====== i3 ====== The developers are describing i3 as a dynamic, tiling window manager. It is one of the most popular tiling window managers available. The default keybindings are memorable after a while and do follow a logical structure. At first start i3 asks what Modifier key to use, offering ''Alt'' and ''Win'' (which is the same as ''super'') The most important default keybings are: * Mod+Enter: Open a new terminal emulator (executing "i3-sensible-terminal") * Mod+ Cursor key: change to another window in the indicated direction * Mod+w enable tabbed layout. This is actually very nice, alls windows in full screen with giving you tabs at the top, which you can use the same way as you use a task bar. * Mod+s stacking layout * Mod+e back to tiling layout * Mod+Shift+Space Switch the current window to floating layout, which makes it freely resizable * Mod+Shift+q Close window * Mod+Shift+e Exit i3 * Mod+Shit+r restart i3 The config file is at ''~/.config/i3/config'' ==== Tips ==== === Change the application starter === bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id rofi -show run === Disable i3bar === comment the ''bar{ }'' section of ''~/.config/i3/config'', which will save memory Website: https://i3wm.org/ ===== RAM Usage ===== On: Artix Linux ^Command ^Version ^[[:glossary#USS|USS]] ^[[:glossary#PSS|PSS]] ^[[:glossary#RSS|RSS]]^ |i3 |4.19 |8712|10236|14012| ===== Rating ===== * Lightweightness: ++++ * Simpleness: +++ * Easiness: +++ [[:about#rating|About Rating]]